Acne medications that work

« ...Honey and vinegar are some other natural acne remedies to try. Honey contains anti-bacterial properties and is gentle on the skin. It destroys surface bacteria when applied to the face. Honey can be used two to three time weekly depending on the results. Apply distilled vinegar to the face as a topical solution and let stay for around ten minutes and rinse with cool water. ...
...Problem is, it doesn't always last. The cream, lotion, or 3 day program may work momentarily, but as most people soon find out, the acne comes back to haunt you....»
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«...• Sugar. The most addictive substance on the planet. Not only might you put sugar on your breakfast cereals or in your coffee or tea, but you will find it hidden in countless processed foods which are eaten every day. See how much sugar there is in most soft drinks. Research has shown that the proportion of sugar in processed foods, tinned vegetables, ready-made curries and so on, has increased in the last 30 years and because sugar is so addictive we are eating more and more of the stuff. Of course sugar occurs naturally in fruits but IF you want to get rid of your acne cut down seriously on your consumption of processed sugar....»
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tags: causes of adult acne, exposed acne treatment, salicylic acid acne medication safe for pregnancy